www.bankofamerica.com/cashpaycard – CashPay Card- New Age Payment Method

by admin May 08, 2020
CashPay Card Activation

The new age payment method is almost ditching up the cumbersome cash transaction. Instead, the payment method has become much faster, convenient, secure yet compact in nature. Among all the payment method, card transaction is something that traces back its origin in the 90s and is still very much present in every sector of life.

Long gone those eras when the company used to provide its employees their paystubs with the check. While bank transfer remains the predominant medium to credit pay, owing to the fact that many employees do not have a checking account. Apart from that many companies do not like the bank policies of crediting the pay at their own given time. Companies prefer to make the payment on time to avoid dissent. Therefore Cash Cards are the alternative option of making sure of the safety as well as timely disbursement of the salary.


About CashPay Card

CashPay Card by Bank of America is a well known Visa and MasterCard branded card account.  CashPay Card is issued by companies or organizations that want to offer direct deposits to employees without checking accounts or to those who do not wish to credit their payment to their bank account.

It is a separate cash card with the account, where companies would credit the amount of payment to the employees loading the card every pay cycle. That is, the card is credited with a certain amount. Now, this amount can either be used for purchase and transaction both online and offline sites where Visa and MasterCard are accepted. The cardholder can also utilize the card and make the cash withdrawal from the accepted ATMs. Unlike a bank account, you cannot withdraw money via checks. In fact, the card account is not anything like a bank account.


Why CashPay Card is better than other alternative payment methods

Your money will be loaded into the card which can be accessed by swiping the card in retail, PIN-based POS, ATMs, or online store wherever it is accepted 24/7 hours.  Your card acts as a wallet to the amount stored. Whenever you require the money, you need to make use of the card.  Carry the card instead of cash, swipe it, withdraw cash and do much more with the CashPay Card:

  • No more waiting in lines for checks! Get your pay credited to CashPay Card by 9:00 a.m. on the payday.
  • Ditch large amounts of cash and switch to compact CashPay Card.
  • Wherever Visa and MasterCard are accepted within and around the country, you are free to make purchases and withdrawals.
  • Have full control over your funds by taking whatever you need to take.
  • No more cash checking in any stores at any cash checking store.
  • Access the information regarding the CashPay Card account using the CashPay card web portal and BofA Prepaid Mobile mobile banking app for Android and iOS.
  • Local U.S. Based Customer Support available 24 * 7 hours.

Signing up for the CashPay card program is commenced by the respective Human Resource management or Program Administrative representative of the organization. In case, you are the one who wants to shift to CashPay Card program from an existing program, you must connect with the Program Administrator of your company to initiate the process.

For employees who receive the card instantly hand to hand from the administrator after placing the request, the card does not bear the name of the cardholder. In that case, cardholders need to give their original signature at the back of the card. This signature will be verified at the time of purchase from retail or outside. However, if you receive the card via mail, your name will appear on the card. There will be no such difference regarding the transactional features. For more information regarding the card usages, charges and features, withdrawal limits, and many more, please refer to the prepaid.bankofamerica.com/CashPay/Program/FAQ#q1.


CashPay Card Activation

Employees must activate the card for the transaction and cash withdrawal immediately after receiving the card. The instructions and the requisite information containing card information, user guide, deposit, and charges, etc. will be provided along with the CashPay Card.  Activation must be done on the CashPay Card web portal or on the BofA Prepaid Mobile app. Either way, please follow the instructions to activate.


CashPay Card Activation


  • Enter the Card Number from the front portion of your card.


CashPay Card Activation online


  • Tap on Continue.
  • Follow the instructions to activate the card successfully.


Features of CashPay Card Online Activation

After activating the card, how do you think you will manage the card? How can you check the balance and transaction patterns? Here is what the real purpose of the CashPay Card Online portal and BofA Prepaid Mobile app, comes in handy. Register your CashPay Card with online card management account and get to enjoy the following features every time you log in:

  • Card activation/deactivation.
  • Check the balance and transaction history.
  • Date and time along with the details of deposits.
  • Account statement.
  • Create a PIN or change the PIN.
  • Connect with the 24/7 hours Customer Service Representative.


Registering with CashPay Card Online Activation

Just like card activation, registering with the online card management tool is simple:

  • Log on to www.bankofamerica.com/cashpaycard.
  • Tap on Sign In.
  • Under Signing In filed, click on Need Username.
  • Enter the Card Number.
  • Tap on Continue.
  • Keep on entering the information like CVV, ZIP Code, and SSN of the cardholder. Follow the prompts carefully.
  • Create a username and PIN.


Accessing CashPay Card online

After registering for an online account, it is very easy to log in,

  • Log on to www.bankofamerica.com/cashpaycard
  • Type in the username.
  • Click on Sign In.
  • If you are accessing from your personal device, you can click on Remember Username. Skip this step if you are accessing from the public device for security reasons.


Reset Username

Forgetting username is quite a daunting task. Especially if you are in the middle of checking your account updates. Here is the secured way to reset username.

  • Log on to www.bankofamerica.com/cashpaycard.
  • Click on Forgot Username.
  • Type in the Email Address registered with the CashPay account.
  • Type in the last four digits of the Card Number.
  • Tap on Submit to continue resetting.

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Contact Point


Please call the number printed at the back of your CashPay Card in case you face any difficulties.

Apart from the personalized customer support, you can also get in touch with the Cardholder Services of Bank of America.


1.866.656.5913 TTY.




You can also write at govandcorp@prepaidcard.bankofamerica.com. Do not mention to include your full name, address, and last ten digits of your card number.



Write to

Bank of America CashPay Cardholder Services
P.O. Box 8488
Gray, TN 37615-8488



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